write up ctf by ariafatah

ariaf.my.id/ctf_aria/forensics/E_Secret of the Polyglot.html


The Network Operations Center (NOC) of your local institution picked up a suspicious file, they’re getting conflicting information on what type of file it is.
They’ve brought you in as an external expert to examine the file.
Can you extract all the information from this strange file?
Download the suspicious file here.


  • This problem can be solved by just opening the file in different ways


wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c_titan/97/flag2of2-final.pdf

file flag2of2-final.pdf
# flag2of2-final.pdf: PNG image data, 50 x 50, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

binwalk flag2of2-final.pdf
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0             0x0             PNG image, 50 x 50, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
# 914           0x392           PDF document, version: "1.4"
# 1149          0x47D           Zlib compressed data, default compression
  • with foremost
    foremost flag2of2-final.pdf
    ls output/
    # audit.txt  png
    ## ketika saya cek png nya ternyata terdapat flag
    # picoCTF{f1u3n7_
  • with dd
    dd bs=1 skip=1149 if=flag2of2-final.pdf of=data.zlib
    dd bs=1 skip=914 if=flag2of2-final.pdf of=data.pdf
    ## ketika saya coba pdf terdapat flag
    # 1n_pn9_&_pdf_724b1287}
  • with binwalk
    binwalk -e flag2of2-final.pdf
    cd _flag2of2-final.pdf.extracted/
    cat 47D
    # (1n_pn9_&_pdf_724b1287})Tj
  • png alt text
  • pdf alt text

